BS-2040 Biological Microroscope

Letoto la li-microscopes tsa BS-2040 ke li-microscopes tsa khale tse nang le maemo a bohlale, sistimi ea mahlo e sa feleng, setšoantšo se bohale le ts'ebetso e bonolo, e etsang hore mosebetsi oa hau o be monate haholo.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Taolo ea Boleng

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

BS-2040B Biological Microroscope


BS-2040T Biological Microroscope



Letoto la li-microscopes tsa BS-2040 ke li-microscopes tsa khale tse nang le maemo a bohlale, sistimi ea mahlo e sa feleng, setšoantšo se bohale le ts'ebetso e bonolo, e etsang hore mosebetsi oa hau o be monate haholo.


1. Infinite Optical System.
2. Extra Wide Field Eyepiece EW10 ×/20 e nang le Diopter Adjustment ke khetho.
3. Sliding-in Centerable Condenser.
4. Ho jara bonolo Handle.


Li-microscope tsa letoto la BS-2040 ke lisebelisoa tse loketseng maemong a baeloji, pathological, histological, baktheria, immune, pharmacological le liphatsa tsa lefutso.Li ka sebelisoa haholo litsing tsa bongaka le tsa bohloeki, joalo ka lipetlele, litleliniki, lilaboratori, likolo tsa bongaka, likoleche, liunivesithi le litsi tsa lipatlisiso tse amanang le tsona.








Sistimi ea Optical Infinite Optical System

Hlooho e Shebang Sehlooho sa Seidentopf binocular, 30 ° e sekametse, Interpupillary 48-75mm

Seidentopf trinocular hlooho, 30 ° e sekametse, Interpupillary 48-75mm

Khamera ea dijithale ea 3.0MP e hahiloeng kahare e nang le Software ea ScopeImage 9.0;Hlooho ea Binocular, E kenyellelitsoeng ho 30°, Interpupillary Distance 48-75mm

Eyepiece Wide Field Eyepiece WF 10×/18mm

Eyepiece e Eketsehileng ea Tšimo e Pharalletseng EW10×/20 e nang le Diopter Adjustment

Sepheo Infinite Semi-plan Achromatic Objectives 4×, 10×, 40×, 100×

Morero o sa Feleng Lipheo tsa Achromatic 2×, 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×, 60×, 100×

Nosepiece Morara Quadruple Nosepiece

Backward Quintuple Nosepiece

Sethala Mehato e 'meli ea Mechanical Stage 140mm×140mm/75mm×50mm

Ts'ebetso ea letsoho le letšehali Mehato e 'meli ea Mechanical Stage 140mm×140mm/75mm×50mm

Condenser Sliding-in Centerable Condenser NA1.25

Tsepamisa maikutlo Coaxial Coarse & Fine Adjustment, Fine Division 0.002mm, Coarse Stroke 37.7mm ka Potoloho, Fine Stroke 0.2mm ka Potoloho, Moving Range 20mm

Khanya 1W S-LED Lamp, Khanya e Fetohang

6V/20W Halogen Lamp, Khanya e Fetohang

Lisebelisoa tsa boikhethelo Phase Contrast Kit

Sehlomathiso sa Tšimo e Lefifi

YX-2 Epi-fluorescent Attachment

FL-LED Epi-fluorescent Attachment

Sephutheloana 1pc / lebokose, 35cm * 35.5cm * 55.5cm, boima ba 'mele: 12kg

Ela hloko: ● Seaparo se Tloaelehileng, ○ Taba ea boikhethelo

Mehlala ea Litšoantšo

2040 (1)
2040 (2)




Setšoantšo (3)

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • setšoantšo (1) setšoantšo (2)

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